Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure’s project MEVISTO
Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) is part of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands.
VCNL (Verkeerscentrum Nederland) is the national road traffic control centre and part of RWS. VCNL monitors the traffic situation of the whole country, 24/7. It provides real-time ‘raw’ traffic information to third party information providers, which, in turn, publish the information for the general public.
VCNL is also the main point of contact for emergency services like police and fire department.
The current information systems supporting VCNL are reaching end-of-life and RWS has started project MEVISTO to develop a new integrated system; end-to-end, from the primary data collection stations alongside the roads to the UI for the traffic controllers
vhp human performance (vhphp) was commissioned to deliver a work task analysis, a set of functional UI requirements and a hi-level UI concept to illustrate these requirements. The vhphp deliverables have been used as input for the overall requirements gathering process of the IT vendor which ran in parallel.
My role
Together with a consultant from vhphp I worked on the (task)analysis, concept, and UI design resulting in a functional UI requirements document and a UI concept.
As a team we combined the complementary disciplines of task ergonomics and UI design in order to illustrate the requirements with detailed solution directions.